Monday, October 20, 2008

What does this drawing mean to you?



Invisible said...

I'm soo jealous at you guys that can draw.
Hmmm, what does this mean? The ultimate bridge to nowhere???

archiwiz said...

It means optimism to me. A bright yellow sun showing possibilities, a bridge showing a way out, and a clear sky with clouds and birds for the beauty and joy of nature. In summary: Optimism... :)

And you can turn off the lines in OneNote and in Journal... :p

Jennifer A. said...

It's telling me to have a sunny

ShadeCrown said...

reminds me of summer.. good times! ;(

Unknown said...

@ invisible - practice makes perfect :)

@ archiwiz - good analogy....i like the lines :)

@jaycee and sha - yea, i miss summer and sunny days, today was just wet...

Padosh said...

i see a new beginning, a road leading to hapiness and the brightness of a new day.Clouds are my dreams and their fulfillment .....,in the birds i see freedom.
Ok wake up Padosh....,

Rita said...

It shows there is light at the end of the road...hope

Anonymous said...

a better tomorrow

All doodles/drawings/pictures/art are the express property of the artist/doodler. These images should not be used without credit and a link to the original doodle.